Underground Sewerage system

S.No | Title | Project Cost | Physical Progress | Remarks |
1 | Underground Sewerage System | 275.82 | 17% | - |
Project Brief:
Under Ground Sewage Scheme - Rs. 275.82 Crore
The sewerage system in Madurai was first established by the British to cover the core city area between 1924 and 1959. It was further expanded in 1983. Subsequently, the National River Conservation Project (NRCP) was implemented in Madurai to give underground sewerage System.
The existing sewerage network has been laid for an approximate length of 797 Kms including 80.34 Kms of pumping mains to collect and convey the sewage to the main pumping stations. A total of 61MLD of sewage is collected through the existing system. The raw sewage is pumped to the existing sewage treatment plant at 125 MLD STP at Avaniyapuram and 45.70 MLD STP at Sakkimangalam.
The North of River Vaigai area the UGD Scheme is prepared to stop the flow of sewage in Vaigai River. This UGD project comprises of 308 Km of Sewer Main, 3 Nos. of Pumping Station and 44857 Nos. of House Service Connections.
Project status: Progress